Computer Skytour

Availability: Available to order

The Computer Can Be Connected To Frames Skytour Tele-Vue To Allow Sighting Witnessed By Many Items Including Nebulae, Planets, Galaxies, Etc.


The computer can be connected to frames SkyTour Tele-Vue to allow the tracking of assisted many items including nebulae, planets, galaxies, and so on.
With its database of over 2,000 objects and adroitness which display red red with variable brightness, back-lit buttons, display with 10 digits variable speed scrolling function, object identification function, the Skytour brings the world of computer expenses to a new level.
When Skytour it is installed on a frame Tele Vue, the pointing object becomes so simple to encourage even the most inexperienced amateur astronomer and, at the same time, so as to ensure accurate observations exciting all'astrofilo also sailed.

For the DIY becomes possible to install the Skytour and its encoders on any frame as it can be initialized and calibrated for the following types of frames: altazimuth, to German, to fork ...
More than a simple list of stars, the database of Skytour is a collection of double and triple stars observable with the naked eye, to bright nebulae, of dark nebulae, galaxies, star clusters ... The objects are organized in 6 catalogs: NGC (New General Catalog), M (Messier), IC (Index Catalog), ST (Star), NS (Non-Standard) and PL (Planet). For quick reference is also a favorite list of favorite subjects in which you can save up to 99 items.
The computer is very easy to use and the instructions (in English) include many figures. A simple connector tefonico connects the computer to the frame: you can just turn it on, align the notches of the frame, point TWO STARS among the 31 possible and Skytour will be ready (no need to provide the latitude, longitude, date or time).
The functions of Skytour are organized in 9 mode: Star Fix, RA DEC, Catalog, Guides, Align, Identify, Timer, Install and Encoder. After aligning the Skytour, just enter the Catalog mode to choose the desired object. Displays information such as location, magnitude, size ... Switching to Guide the computer shows you the direction to move the frame to center the selected object. If you do an overview of Heaven, Identify how you will report objects, the type you choose, the nearest to your location is a great way to learn about unfamiliar regions of the sky.

The encoder mounting are sold separately and include mounting hardware and instructions.


And 'available an optional support for attaching the computer to the frame so that it moves with it without bumping encoders (SCP-1019).
And 'possible to interface and manage Skytour with software TheSky Pocket Edition (Edition for handhelds). This way you can take advantage of the database and maps of TheSky to choose items.


  • DISPLAY: red LEDs, 10 characters
  • BRIGHTNESS 'DISPLAY: varying levels of 5
  • RULES':
    • STAR FIX: Alignment using a list of stars
    • RA DEC: displays the position at that time
    • CATALOG: complete database objects
    • GUIDE: shows direction and distance of an object
    • ALIGN: precision alignment using the whole database
    • IDENTIFY: identifies objects by type < li> DATABASE: more than 2000 objects divided into:
      • 110 Messier objects
      • NGC objects
      • objects IC
      • objects Non-Standard < / li>
      • Star
      • 31 stars alignment
      • 8 planets
      • FAV: 99 favorite items
      • RESOLUTION ENCODERS: 2160 steps, 0.167 ° / step (10 arc minutes / step)
      • SPEED 'MAXIMUM MOVEMENT: 160 ° / sec
      • DIMENSIONS: 7x11.5x3cm < / li>
      • WEIGHT: 255g
      • POWER: 5.1-14V DC (9V battery)

More Information
Product Status New
Package width 15 cm
Package height 6 cm
Package depth 15 cm
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