Exposition display with lunar and martian fragment

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Exposition display with lunar and martian fragment

A very nice gift idea, an exposition display including couple of meteorite fragments, one coming from the Moon (NWA 10782) and one coming from the planet Mars (Sueilila 002 - Jrifiya).  Display dimensions: 17 x 32 cm; minimum dimensions of fragments: 6 mm. Certificate of autenticity released by the Meteoritical Society included.


Exposition display with lunar and martian fragment

A very nice gift idea, an exposition display including couple of meteorite fragments, one coming from the Moon (NWA 10782) and one coming from the planet Mars (Sueilila 002 - Jrifiya). Display dimensions: 17 x 32 cm; minimum dimensions of fragments: 6 mm. Certificate of autenticity released by the Meteoritical Society included.

Lunar fragment

The display contains a real fragment of a lunar meteorite, namely a fragment of a lunar rock detached from the Moon after an impact event and than fallen down on the Earth surface. In this case origin of the fragment is the region of Almabas, in the middle of the Sahara desert plateau between the boundaries of Marocco and Algeria, discovered in 2015. Official name of the meteorite and is fragemnts is NWA 10782.

Starting classification of the NWA 10782 meteorites samples found on the impact site has been performed by researcher Roger Hewins of the Natural History Musem of Paris. Rock type is a Regolite Breccia.

Martian fragment

The display contains also a real fragment of a martian meteorite, namely a fragment of a martian rock detached from the planet Mars after an impact event and than fallen down on the Earth surface. In this case origin of the fragment is the region of Rio de Oro, in the desert plateau of Morocco and Algeria, discovered in 2014. Actual official name of the meteorite is Sueilila 002, formerly known also as Jrifiya (from the name of the nearest village).

This meteor fragment belongs to the meteorite class of Shergottites, containing an hgh value of olivine, in fact they are called also Olivino-Phyric rocks.

Starting classification of the meteorites samples found on Sueilila 002 impact site has been performed by Dr. Tony Irving, a specialist of martian rocks. Rock type is a Shergottite.

Authenticity certificate

Any meteorites fragment arrives with a certificate numbered and signed by Luc Labenne, member of the Meteoritical Society and one of the world major expert in the field. Certificate ensure the authenticity, origin and unicity of the meteorite fragment.


  • Minimum dimensione: 6 x 6 mm each.
  • Typology: lunar meteorite NWA 10782 (Regolite Breccia) and martian meteorite Sueilila 002 - Jrifiya (Shergottite)
  • Certificate of authenticity included

More Information
Product Status New
Package width 16,5 cm
Package height 1 cm
Package depth 31,5 cm
No. of parcels 1
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